Tuesday, 19 March 2013

And again

So I ran into Adam again last Friday.

It seems like he has timed his arrival perfectly to occur exactly as I am starting to get over him. I was heading back to the library after a lesson and threw myself down at a computer.

Just as I sat down I noticed him near the printer and absolutely freaked out.

He looked cute and more importantly he was here. He was close enough to reach/to talk to/ to kiss/ to hold.

But I pretended I hadn't seen him. We almost walked into each other twice and I started frantically texting Britney.

"He's here. He's here. He's here."

"Asha, Calm down."

"He's right here!"

Then I looked up and he was walking towards a seat behind me. Our eyes met and I blushed. He came over.


"Hi," I replied.

He looked at my screen, where Shania Twain's song, 'You're Still The One' was playing.

"Still listening to crappy music I see," He grinned.

I couldn't help smiling. He had always teased me about my taste in music.

"But to be honest, I do like Shania Twain. She's good. Anyway, how's life? How's everything going?" He asked.

"It's going good."

"Okay. Well I'll see you around."


And he walked off. I had an hour before my assignment was due in and I freaked out completely. All I had to do was see him and I couldn't stop shaking. I missed him so much, but I couldn't find the words or the time to tell him. I also didn't know if I even wanted to tell him.

I hadn't seen him in so long that it felt unnatural that this was the guy I had spent 24 hours a day this time last year.

I texted one of my friends (male) and asked him to come to the library as I really needed someone to talk to. He eventually came a few minutes later and I told him I needed a hug after freaking out over my ex-boyfriend. He obliged. Just as we were talking, Adam walked past in the distance. I'm not sure whether he saw us hugging, but later on as he was walking past once again, he gave me a dirty look and carried on walking.

It's mind-games all over again. First he comes over and makes a joke which he knows will hit home with me and then he tries to hurt me by giving me a horrible look. I think he may have assumed that me and the friend who had come to my rescue were in a relationship, but it doesn't give him the right to that kind of reaction. He's been a relationship with multiple girls.

He left the library soon afterwards. I couldn't focus and didn't manage to complete my assignment. That annoyed me more as I need to prioritise my work over him. Why does he continue being a distraction?

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